Letter to the Editor

Quigley is the right answer

By Alex Danon, Town of Shawangunk Councilman
Posted 10/20/22

"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer. “ JFK

Common sense would dictate that when deciding who would be the best person at analyzing, …

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Letter to the Editor

Quigley is the right answer


"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer. “ JFK

Common sense would dictate that when deciding who would be the best person at analyzing, creating, and implementing a $380 million budget, it would be the Certified Public Account who made his career crunching numbers. The candidate who over the last decade has taken a town with a budget deficit and got it to a place of strong financial standing with fund balances that will be needed as we work through our current recession! When selecting someone to run our county, we should pick someone who has experience as an executive. Someone who has been the decision maker. It is one thing to write policy and say you support this or that. It is quite another to do it!
Our next county executive needs to be someone who can get things done, and that means not caring about political parties. Jim Quigley has done that, so much so that he has been endorsed by both Democrats and Republicans in the past. He is a problem-solver, and that is what we need right now.

Jim Quigley is the right candidate, at the right time. In a time when party politics has torn our country apart, let’s remember that local government is about PEOPLE not parties. I hope you join me in voting for the best person for the job of Ulster County Executive, Jim Quigley.