Memorial Day Eve service


There will be a Memorial Day Eve service of memory, grief, and hope on May 26 at 5:30 p.m. at the New Windsor Cantonment.

This 6th annual Community Remembering Ceremony welcomes civilians, veterans, and military personnel to come together to remember stories related to war and military service that we “tend to ignore, want to forget, yet need to remember”.

This year the service will include the NY Warrior Promise Wall, a display created to remember the stories of those who have taken their own lives, and to bring awareness to the crisis of active duty and veteran suicide.

The service will include story sharing, music, and rituals of remembrance. The service is sponsored by the Greater Newburgh Interfaith Council and Vet2Vet, and will include faith communities from throughout the area.

It will take place at the Temple of Virtue in the New Windsor Cantonment, located at 374 Temple Hill Rd. (Route 300), adjacent to the Purple Heart Hall of Honor, in New Windsor, N.Y. Questions? Contact Mary Lou Baumgartner, King of Kings Lutheran Church or 845-565-7645.