NOTICE OF SURPLUS VEHICLE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 13, 2025, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Coldenham Fire District passed a resolution declaring the 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe SSV 4x4 (Command Vehicle) as surplus and permits its sale. It will be sold via sealed bids. Proposed bids must be received by the Fire District no later than 7:30 p.m. on February 10, 2025 in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “BID FOR 2015 COMMAND VEHICLE.” Bids will be opened on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7:30 p.m. (or as possible thereafter, after the start of the meeting) at the Coldenham Fire House at 511 Coldenham Road, Walden, New York. Bids can be mailed to: Coldenham Fire District, Attn: Secretary Joe Keenan, PO Box 10595, Newburgh NY 12552, however must be received by the time and date above. Late bids will not be honored or opened. Sealed bids can also be personally dropped off at the Fire Station. The fire district reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. The fire district reserves the right to remove any and/or all fire emergency response equipment, such as emergency lights, sirens and striping, from the vehicle regardless of the bid. The vehicle is being sold as is without any express or implied warranties or claims of the serviceability of the vehicle. Current mileage is approximately 132552 miles. A full description and photos of the vehicle are available on the fire district’s webpage and Facebook Page. or Contact Assistant Chief Mike Wirth (845-821-8713) with any questions. Dated: January 13, 2025 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS, JOSEPH D. KEENAN, SECRETARY

Posted 1/24/2025