LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board of the Town of Cornwall, County of Orange, State of New York will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 183 Main Street, Cornwall, New York on February 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, on the approval of the Site Plan and Special Use Permit to allow a change of use at an existing building to light manufacturing (with office and retail uses) on the lands owned by Gym Kids Inc.(applicant is Sally Ander Holdings, LLC) and located at 2430 Route 32.The map of the proposed change of use is on file and may be inspected at the Town Clerk’s office, Town Hall, 183 Main Street, Cornwall, New York 12518, prior to the public hearing: The property is designated on the tax map as Section: 9 Block: 1 Lot: 19.21

Posted 1/24/2025