State Environmental Quality Review NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING For Draft Environmental Impact Statement and other Local Approvals for the SHEFFIELD GARDENS PROJECT Date of Transmittal: January 14, 2025
This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law.
On January 13, 2025, the Town of Montgomery Planning Board, as Lead Agency, deemed the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (“DEIS”) complete and accepted it for purposes of commencing public review.
The DEIS is available for review at the following website:
A Public Hearing on the DEIS and the special use permit, subdivision, and site plan will be convened on February 10, 2025, at 7:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, at Montgomery Town Hall, 110 Bracken Road, Montgomery, NY, 12459. Comments on the DEIS are requested and will be accepted by the contact person until the end of business day, February 28, 2025, or until a date to be determined by the Lead Agency.
Name of Action: Sheffield Gardens Site Plan, Special Use Permit and Subdivision application for a 261-unit apartment complex, 31,000 square feet of retail space, wastewater treatment plant to serve all uses, and associated accessory uses.
Applicant: MILR, LLC
Lead Agency: Town of Montgomery Planning Board
SEQR Status: Type I Action
Description of Action: The Applicant, MILR, LLC, proposes to construct a mix of residential and commercial uses on property located on the south side of NYS Route 17K and west of Route 17K’s intersection with NYS Route 208. The subject property is located in the Community Commercial (B-2), the Multifamily (RM-1), and the Residential Agriculture – One and Two Family Residences (RA-1) zoning districts. In addition, portions of the property are located in the Floodplain and Planned Development overlay zoning districts. The project is proposed on five (5) tax parcels to be combined into two lots. In total, the subject property is approximately 52.42 gross acres in size.
A 261-unit market-rate rental, multifamily residential apartment complex, parking, wastewater treatment plant and water storage tank and water treatment building will be constructed on one of the lots. Outdoor amenities are proposed and consist of a children’s playground, fit pit area, bocce courts, pickleball courts, a community garden, fenced- in dog park and a covered picnic pavilion with a movie wall and grills.
The 31,000 square feet of retail use would be on a second lot. The overall development would be developed with 819 vehicle parking spaces for apartment residents, employees, customers and guests. Utilities do not presently serve the property and the applicant has proposed the construction of a wastewater treatment plant; the site is also within Town of Montgomery Sewer District No. 3. New water supply wells would be drilled to serve the site, and a 106-foot tall water storage tank would be installed at the southerly end of the property.
North of the site and on the other side of NYS Route 17K are a mix of residential and commercial uses. The easterly side of the project site is located within the 100-year floodplain. In addition, the site contains both New York State and US Army Corps of Engineer (USACOE) regulated wetlands, including an approximately 90-acre DEC wetland. The site is currently vacant and consists mostly of forested and wetland areas.
The Valley Central High School complex is located west of the site. The site also abuts several single- family dwellings to the west, including three residential parcels which the project site surrounds. South of the project site are commercial businesses, including several warehouses, a church, and daycare facility. Southwest of the project site are lands in agricultural use.
Location: 1127 NYS Route 17K, Town of Montgomery, Orange County, NY; Tax Parcel Section/Block/Lot: 29-1-5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5
Potential Environmental Impacts: Potential environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action are identified in the Full Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”) Part 2. These impacts, which may be reasonably expected to result from the Project, have been compared to the criteria for determining significance identified in 6 NYCRR § 617.7(c)(1) and in accordance with 6 NYCRR § 617.7(c) (2) and (3). The Planning Board finds that the Proposed Action may result in one or more potentially significant adverse impacts on the environment, and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (“DEIS”) has been prepared. The potentially significant adverse environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action include but are not limited to the following:
• Extensive land disturbance activities
• Stormwater runoff and changes to existing drainage patterns
• Ecological habitat and wetland disturbances
• Traffic generation and impacts to levels of service
• Community services and facilities, including schools, recreation and emergency services
• Change in existing community character
• Potential effects on historic and archaeological resources
• Fiscal impact to municipal and community service providers
• Water supply demand and construction of new wells, and potential effect on any adjoining wells
• Sewer design and demand; construction of new wastewater treatment plant and potential for pollutants, odors and noise
• Stormwater runoff and impacts to wetlands and surface waters
• Ambient noise level changes
• Increase in ambient light levels
For Further Information:
Contact Person: Ms. Suzanne Hadden, Secretary Town of Montgomery Planning Board Town Hall – 110 Bracken Road Montgomery, New York 12549 Phone: (845) 457-2643 x 1260 Fax: (845) 457-2760 Email:
This Notice is being sent to the following involved and interested agencies (along with the DEIS as applicable) as well as to all owners of property within 500 feet of the Project Site:
Involved and Interested Agencies:
Town of Montgomery Planning Board 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Town of Montgomery Town Board 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Town of Montgomery Zoning Board of Appeals 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Town of Montgomery Building Department 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Town of Montgomery Highway Department 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Montgomery Fire Department 136 Ward Street
Montgomery, NY 12549
Town of Montgomery Police Department 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, NY 12549
Town of Montgomery Ambulance Corps 2 South Montgomery Street
Walden, NY 12586
Valley Central School District 944 State Route 17K Montgomery, NY 12549
Village of Montgomery Board of Trustees Village Hall
133 Clinton Street Montgomery NY 12549
Patricia Henighan, Chairperson
Town of Montgomery Conservation Advisory Council 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Mary Ellen Matise, Chairperson
Town of Montgomery Historic Preservation Commission 110 Bracken Road
Montgomery, New York 12549
Orange County Health Department 124 Main Street
Goshen, New York 10924
Orange County Planning Department 124 Main Street
Goshen, New York 10924
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 3 Permit Administrator
21 South Putt Corners Road New Paltz, New York
12561OPRHP, Field Services Bureau – Peebles Island PO Box 189
Waterford, NY 12188-0189
New York State Department of Transportation SEQR Unit, Traffic Engineering and Safety Division 4 Burnett Boulevard
Poughkeepsie, New York 12603
New York State Department of Health Corning Tower
Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12237
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands and Section 404 Clean Water Act USACE Operations/Regulatory 16-406c/o PSC Mail Center 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278
Richard Hoyt, Esq. (for the Planning Board)P.O. Box 402Walden, New York 12586
Ross Winglovitz, PEEngineering & Surveying Properties (for the Applicant)71 Clinton Street
Montgomery, NY 12549
MILR, LLCPO BOX 366 Walden, NY 12586
Environmental Notice Bulletin (Notice Only)625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-1750
The Applicant shall file a hard copy of the DEIS with the Montgomery Free Library for public review. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the application and plans are available to review at the Town Planning Board office and also at: this public hearing all persons interested will an opportunity to be heard. The public hearing will be live-streamed and may be viewed at: BY ORDER OF THE MONTGOMERY PLANNING BOARDJAY BEAUMONT, CHAIRJANUARY 13, 2025

Posted 1/24/2025