Newburgh City Council approved the City Manager to execute a Gun Involved Violence Elimination (“GIVE”) Partnership subrecipient grant agreement with Exodus Transitional Community, Inc. This would go towards the funding of the Anti-Violence Coordinator position. City council also approved an amendment to the 2024 Personnel Analysis Book to add nine part time dispatcher positions. Councilman Omari Shakur voted no on both of the items.
Police Chief Brandon Rola explained at the Thursday work session that the coordinator position is required under the grant itself and Exodus would be handling the hiring of the person for that position. Police department input would be included in the process. The funding for the position would be in the amount of $88,200.
Discussing the part-time dispatchers, City Manager Todd Venning said at the Thursday work session there would be no additional budget for the item as funding would come from the city’s overtime budget line. It would reduce police department overtime.
Councilwoman Ramona Monteverde advocated for increases for the dispatchers with the upcoming budget cycle. Venning said he has been working with the dispatchers and their union with specific items and the ability to move forward with the process would be based on negotiations.