After years of wear and tear, the Town of Newburgh water tower at the Mid-Valley Mall is breathing new life with cleanup, new coats of paint and lettering for a new, cleaner look. The tower appears to be completed and previously installed antennas have been removed.
The water tower overlooking Interstate 84 has been a visual eyesore for the town. The previous look had the water tower and legs painted a cream white with Mid-Valley Mall written in red. The antennas would however block the text on the tower and over time, the tower began to rust. The cleanup has been a longtime project sought by the town planning board and was originally intended to have been completely repainted and cleaned last summer. However, the cleanup did not happen and was delayed till this year.
The cleanup for the tower is part of a larger proposal for a new Starbucks at the Mid-Valley Mall. The proposal seeks the construction of a 2,600 square foot storefront with outdoor seating, two ordering lanes, new landscaping and additional sidewalks at the mall. The storefront would be built next to the existing KFC. DLC Management Corp, the owners of the Mid-Valley Mall property, have proposed the idea and have worked with the planning board to meet their requests on the tower.
Conditional approval on the project was granted with the painting of the tower included. The tower is now painted light blue with a darker blue reading “Mid-Valley Mall Town of Newburgh”. The legs of the tower have been painted green. New antennas are intended to be painted in the same color as the tank to add a more uniform look to the tower.