The Serenade Trio

Benefit Wallkill River Center for the Arts


A Concert on the Farm! Wallkill River Center for the Arts and All For One One For All Farm have teamed up to present a glorious afternoon of music, food and drink on the farm.

The Trio will enchant you with two exquisite 30-minute sets featuring music of Bach, Mozart, Schumann, and some other surprise delights. Enjoy an intermission with farm made iced tea and mini tea cakes, and for those seeking a spirited refreshment, a cash bar offering our selection of handcrafted cocktails and liqueurs.

The Serenade Trio – Violin, Viola, and Double Bass – enjoys wide-ranging, lively and diverse music making and has, for years, won over audiences. These three musicians cover a lot of ground from the lowest tones straight on through to the highest of high notes. Whether in a concert hall, ancient stone mill, church, or barn – the Serenade Trio thrives in the atmosphere of each space.

*This concert has indoor and outdoor open seating. There is limited seating indoors, but plenty of room available outside. We encourage guests to bring their lawn chairs and blankets*

  • 2:00pm – Farm open
  • 3:00pm – Concert Begins – 30 minute music set in the barn
  • 3:30pm: Tea Time Intermission – AOOA Serves Chilled Tea and Mini Tea Cakes / Cash Bar Open
  • 4:00pm: 30 minute music set in the barn

NY Times: “A skilled and passionate performance… bravura and solid passages that feature rapid passagework and double stops which featured Mr. Feeney played with flair.”

Accessibility:  Gravel parking lot and paths leads to a grassy slope up to the barn entrance.  One step required to enter the barn.  Seating is available inside and on the lawn.  Bathrooms are located inside the barn.