By Rob Sample
At its Monday, June 24 meeting, the Marlborough Town Board honored 17 people with Pride of Marlborough Commendation Awards.
Tom Coupart, a Marlboro resident and owner and president of T. Coupart Construction Company, was chosen for the award for the work he and his firm performed to ensure the recent completion of the Marlborough Community Center. During the early phase of the renovation process, the original contractor went bankrupt and left the town with an incomplete building. The town obtained a settlement from the surety bond insurer for the project, and after rebidding the job, Coupart Construction was chosen as the lowest bidder.
“Without you, the Community Center would never be complete,” said Town Supervisor Scott Corcoran. He presented Coupart with a certificate mounted to a section of ceiling used in the Community Center, framed by sections of the material used to frame its walls.
Next up for the commendation award was Eagle Scout Anthony Ciaglia, whose scout project restored the neglected Marlboro Nature Trail off Route 9W. “Just 4 percent of Scouts in the entire world become Eagle Scouts,” Corcoran pointed out. “These are people who really care about their country and their communities.” In addition, Ulster County Legislator Tom Corcoran presented Ciaglia with the Pride of Ulster County Award for his accomplishment.
Marlboro High School Senior Juliana Juras earned both the Pride of Marlborough and Pride of Ulster County awards. Juras recently placed number one statewide for discus in track and field competition. In addition to those two awards, Legislator Corcoran presented Juras with the New York State Senate Achievement Award on behalf of local Senator Michelle Hinchey. He noted that individual competition differs from team sports in that “it’s all on you – so congratulations, Juliana!”
Legislator Corcoran then presented the Pride of Ulster County Award and the Senate Achievement Award to the 13 members of the Lady Dukes: Marlboro High School’s girls softball team, which recently clinched the state championship. Town Board Member Sherida Sessa in turn presented them with the Pride of Marlborough Award. Team members include: Kalista Birkenstock, Madison Gibney, Leah Gunsett, Katelyn Gordon, Emily Hite, Emma Jackson, Lily Sullivan, Mia Verdi, Taylor Castellani, Sam Maleck, Jaylene Valentine, Katie Mole, and Kiera Del Salto.
During those awards, Corcoran also noted that the Lady Dukes’ coach, Andrea Schoonmaker, has been named Coach of the Year by the New York State Sportswriters Association. In addition to coaching, Schoonmaker is a science teacher at Marlboro High School.
Earning a Pride of Ulster County Award was Philip Cancellaro director of athletics, physical education, and health for the Marlboro Central School District. Legislator Corcoran noted that Cancellaro’s predecessor retired just a year ago, and during his short tenure in town Cancellaro has distinguished himself with his dedication to the student/athletes he serves.
“The students who have been lucky to take part in Marlboro athletics have been blessed,” Corcoran said. “Thank you for putting students first.”
The formal Town Board meeting was prefaced by a joint workshop consisting also of members of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The three boards discussed a variety of pending development proposals, as well as certain nuances of town code regarding easements for roadways.
During the business portion of the meeting, the Town Board approved two key resolutions:
• Approving the hiring of Stilsing Electric of Albany for the Young’s Field lighting project. Stilsing’s bid of $240,870 was the lowest among four bidders. The Town received a matching grant for $100,000 from Ulster County through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which lowers the town’s expenditure to $140,870.
• Authorizing Greenman-Pederson to publicly bid for garage renovations at the Marlborough Department of Public Works.
The board approved a motion authorizing the Town Supervisor to sign also voted in favor of a motion to permit the town’s Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) to use the Marlborough Community Center, subject to availability. The CAC meets on the first Thursday evening of each month, usually at the Marlboro Public Library.
In addition, the Town Board passed a motion to authorize the establishment of a town Historical Preservation Committee. This was done at the request of a group of Marlborough residents.
Among other news, the town’s Recreation Committee has a busy schedule of activities planned for the months ahead – and is eyeing the launch of a family bingo night at the Community Center. These events would be held on a quarterly basis, but are still tentative.