American Red Cross Babysitter Training Certification Course


Mountain Laurel is excited to host the American Red Cross Babysitter Certification Course.

About This Course:
This course is designed for young people to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care to infants and children in a residential setting. Students will learn basic child care and basic first aid, including CPR for infants. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Course Duration: 7.5 Hours
8:45am - Arrival and Registration
9:00am - Class Start
4:30pm - Class End & Parent Pick-Up
Students must be present for the full duration of the course in order to receive the certificate of completion.

Breaks: Two 15-minute breaks will be provided during the day.
Lunch: A 30-minute lunch break will be provided during the day. Regular Cheese Pizza and a Garden Salad will be provided for lunch for all students at no additional cost.

Attendees with allergies and/or dietary restrictions are encouraged to provide a bagged lunch. (Refrigeration and heating is not available for individual meals.)

Registration Requirements:
-Open to anyone ages 12-16. (Students must be 12 years old by June 30)
-Participants must have an individual email address to receive the certificate of completion.
-Pre-Registration is required for this event. Registrations will not be accepted at the door.

Additional Benefits for Completing This Course
Students who complete this course will be eligible for the following benefits at Mountain Laurel:
-Invitation to work as a paid Counselor In Training for the MLWS Summer Program
-Listed as a Recommended Babysitter by for Mountain Laurel families
-Invited to host babysitting services for class meetings held at Mountain Laurel (if Aftercare is unavailable)
-Invited to assist MLWS Aftercare when registration is high