Letter to the Editor

The company Trump keeps speaks volumes

By John Lown, Maybrook
Posted 12/7/22

A while back Trump hosted a dinner at this Mar-A-Lago country club with Kanye West ( now also known as Ye ), a self-avowed antisemite who on numerous occasions has spewed antisemitic comments on …

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Letter to the Editor

The company Trump keeps speaks volumes


A while back Trump hosted a dinner at this Mar-A-Lago country club with Kanye West ( now also known as Ye ), a self-avowed antisemite who on numerous occasions has spewed antisemitic comments on social media. Also at the dinner table was Nick Fuentes, a rabid racist, white supremacist who is a Holocaust denier. Trump claimed Fuentes joined them at the dinner table unannounced. What an asinine statement. I guess Fuentes drove to the country club, entered Trump’s club without any of Trump’s secret service detail aware of his presence and wound up undeterred at the club’s dining room. 

Once the dinner party went public, Trump claimed he didn’t know Fuentes or what he stood for yet Fuentes, a stranger in Trump’s own words, was still allowed to join Trump and Ye for dinner. How preposterous! Of course Trump knew Fuentes and his credentials. He always clings to his standard line of pleading ignorance when it’s made public he rubs shoulders with unsavory characters, an association that could hurt him politically. Trump’s ignorance plea is just another illustration of his attempt to avoid accountability. Having a conversational dinner with these two despicable, malicious misfits tells me Trump apparently enjoys miring in the racist mud. Postscript: In an interview on Alex Jones’ Infowars show Kanye West ( aka Ye ) took credit for making antisemitism “ popular “ and gave praise to Adolph Hitler and the tyrannical Nazi regime. Ye’s quote: “Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.” There is an adage, more relevant than ever, that can easily apply to Trump: “Show me who you walk with and I’ll tell you what you are. “