Pine Bush Fire District Pine Bush Fire District Legal Notice PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a regular meeting of …

Pine Bush Fire District

Pine Bush Fire District

Legal Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that at a regular meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Pine Bush Fire District of the Town of Crawford, Orange County, New York, held on July 10, 2024, a resolution was adopted, an abstract of which is as follows:

RESOLVED that the Treasurer of the Fire District be authorized to withdraw an amount not to exceed the sum of FOURTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR DOLLARS and ZERO CENTS ($14,474.00) from the Real Property Acquisition and Improvement Capital Reserve Fund heretofore established for the

purchase of the same.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the adoption of this resolution is subject to permissive referendum and shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption, unless there shall be filed in the interim with the Fire District Secretary a petition signed and acknowledged or approved in the same manner as a deed to be recorded by resident taxpayers of the Pine Bush Fire District owning taxable real property of the aggregating at least one-quarter of the Fire District, as such valuations appear on the latest completed assessment roll of the Town of Crawford, protesting against such resolution and requesting that it be submitted to the qualified electors of the Fire District for their approval



Posted 7/19/2024