I’ve worked my way through the Civil War Veterans and want to do one World War I Veteran for the Rossville Cemetery Association website, Harry Barnes Plumstead. I believe some of his family is …
So, the shortest day came, and the year died, And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white World, came people singing, dancing, To drive the dark away.” - Susan Cooper   New …
Greetings from River City. Christmas is more than a day; it encompasses The Feast of the Epiphany (Twelfth Night) on January 6 and the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Candlemass) on …
Kindergarten students at Marlboro Elementary School recently showcased their creative flair by building gingerbread houses with the help of their loved ones. From frosting swirls to candy-covered …
The Christmas Tree Sale fundraiser at the Montgomery Fire Dept. was a huge success. Thanks to all to volunteered and to those who stopped by to make a purchase. The Valley Central High School …
The first Christmas for the first Newburghers was actually celebrated in New York City. Our European ancestors arrived with a land grant to settle 2,190 acres north from the Quassaick Creek to …
This article is Louise’s personal “Christmas Gift” to her daughter, Kimberly, in memory of her beloved grandson Timothy.   Oh, so very long ago, there lived in a faraway land, …
Greetings from River City. Most special happy birthday greetings to my beloved Joe who celebrates his candles and whipped cream cake day on December 28, his 14th in Heaven. It seems like only …
The Bond family was another prominent family in the early days of the Town of Newburgh. Some readers may remember I’ve previously written about the family and the small family cemetery off …
School News/Events This is a reminder that the Marlboro Central School District will be closed from Monday, December 23, through Wednesday, January 1, for its annual Winter Recess. Schools will …
Newburghers and their neighbors lined up all along their broad central street on a cold day in the late nineteenth century to celebrate something wonderful. The date was December 23, 1886, but it …
Another Civil War Veteran who valiantly served his country in Company E, of the NYS 124 Volunteers, the Orange Blossoms, is buried in the Rossville Cemetery. As I’ve previously stated, I hope …
Greetings from River City. For those of you who are celebrating Christmas or Chanukkah, may your celebration be one filled with the joys of faith, family and friends. May the whole of Christmastide …