By Edward Gibran, Newburgh
Project 2025 is a threat to American democracy and our liberties.
The Heritage Foundation and over 100 other right-wing and conservative groups came together to write a manifesto that seeks to expand the power of the presidency. Even though he has tried to distance himself from these groups, Donald Trump is in support of the goals of Project 2025.
These goals include abolishing the Department of Education, and Head Start, eliminating school lunch programs, and slashing social spending. Perhaps the most frightening aspect would shift almost 50,000 federal employees from civil servants to political appointee jobs. This shift would mean the President and his advisors could fire these employees if they don’t do as they are told. Trump’s agenda is very similar to Project 2025 and he draws inspiration from these extremist groups.
The reactionary forces in America seek to undue centuries of political precedent and create an authoritarian state that enriches the billionaire class. To prevent this from happening, I encourage my fellow citizens to vote for President Biden and all Democrats down the ballot.