Third Thursday series presents Timid Turtles of the Rondout Valley on Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 6:30 pm. A free online Zoom presentation. To join the Zoom meeting, click or email
The Wood and Spotted Turtle, two of Ulster County’s most elusive turtles, are beautiful and vital to our ecosystem. Although widespread in southeastern New York, their secretive nature means that few people have had a chance to see them in the wild.
Kiley Briggs will give an overview of their nature as well as threats these turtles and other amphibians face, and how in the face of a warming climate, the Hudson Valley may play a critical role in the conservation of these charismatic species in the Northeast.
Third Thursday Series is a program of free online events, organized by members of the Rochester, Marbletown, Rosendale, Gardiner, and Olive Environmental Conservation Commissions (ECC’s). Each month—every third Thursday—the series will present a free online program on an environmental topic of general interest to residents of Ulster County.