City of Newburgh

Ann Street Gallery presents 2024 Emerging Artist Fellowship

Posted 7/4/24

Greetings from River City. In honor of Independence Day - July 4, I thought it might be appropriate to begin this column with the first and last paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

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City of Newburgh

Ann Street Gallery presents 2024 Emerging Artist Fellowship


Greetings from River City. In honor of Independence Day - July 4, I thought it might be appropriate to begin this column with the first and last paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them a decent respect to the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation.

“And for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor.”
Happy 4th of July!

You bring a blanket, and we’ll bring the popcorn! Presented in partnership with the City of Newburgh, Free Summer Movies on Safe Harbors Green returns with six weeks of films for the whole family. Screenings begin at dusk, with pre-movie events and a cookout hosted by the City of Newburgh Police Department starting at 7:30pm.

Upcoming films:
July 11: The Little Mermaid (2023)
July 18: Wish
July 25: Trolls Band Together
August 1: Migratio
This project is funded through the City of Newburgh Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.

Manda Martin, Safe Harbor of the Hudson Director of Development & Communications, announced their Ann Street Gallery is thrilled to present the three Hudson Valley artists chosen for its 2024 Emerging Artist Fellowship: Matthew Gilbert, Nicole Hixon and Zeinab Manesh who were selected by a jury led by Ann Street Gallery Director Alison McNulty with members of the region’s arts community from applications submitted during an annual open call.

In its third year, the Ann Street Gallery Emerging Artist Fellowship program aims to provide a supportive platform for early-career or under-recognized artists in Newburgh and the Hudson Valley, with a focus on artists from historically marginalized communities.

The six-month fellowship provides three artists with opportunities for mentorship, networking, and professional development as well as a $2,000 materials and supplies allowance, a cohort exhibition in the gallery during Newburgh Open Studios, and individual guidance toward identifying goals and further opportunities.

The 2024 program is led by Gallery Director, Alison McNulty and includes the mentorship of regional artists and arts professionals in the form of workshops, conversations, presentations, critiques, studio visits, and trips to regional art institutions and spaces.

The Fellowship program supports experimental and substantive growth for a six-month fellowship from June through November 2024. Located in the heart of Newburgh, Ann Street Gallery is situated at the nexus of community and the arts.

St Francis of Assisi Church Movie Night on Friday, July 26 will be The Girl Who Believes in Miracles. A story of young Sara Hopkins who hears a preacher say faith can move mountains and starts praying. Her praying leads to an overwhelming notoriety of miracles happening and takes a toll on Sara. Can her family be able to save their miracle girl before it’s too late? Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and movie starts at 6 p.m.

There will be a Holy Hour on Wednesdays from 3 - 4:30 p.m. The dates and church: July 10 at Sacred Heart; July17 at Saint Francis; July 24 Saint Patrick; July 31 at Sacred Heart. Please note that Church is subject to change.

Deacon Jack Seymour Food Pantry Hours are Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 Noon and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 12 Noon. The Pantry is located in the Sacred Heart School Gym, 240 So. Robinson Ave. “In your goodness, please bring CANNED VEGETABLES to Church next weekend to be distributed to the less fortunate in our area.

The Deacon Jack Seymour Food Pantry needs volunteers to help. Please contact Paul or Linda for more details at (845) 234-8564 or (845) 926-0626.

Sacred Heart Donations For Mary’s Hope: “We need medium size boxes of cereal, canned corned beef, tuna, chicken, and chili, fruit, packages of mashed potatoes, and gravy mix (no jars). Please contact Suzanna Campora at (845) 561-5162 with any questions.

The Dominick Casadone Chapter of Saint Vincent de Paul Society operates the Baby Outreach Center every Tuesday morning at the Valastro Activity Center located across from the Sacred Heart School.

The hours are 9:30 a.m. - 12 Noon. They need diapers sizes 4, 5 & 6, baby wipes, boy’s clothing sizes 24 months to 5T and girl’s clothing sizes 9 months to 5T. Each month they serve over 100 families.

Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish: As of July 1, the donation for the large wax candles will be $3. The donation for the electric and small wax candles will remain the same.

It would be grand to see many of the Stars and Stripes gracing the homes in the area. It honors our nation and those who have fought for it since the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775 (even before we were a nation).

As always, I close with my prayers for God’s blessings on your heads, my dears.