Arm-of-the-Sea Theater at Mid-Hudson Discovery Museum


Join us for an exciting, FREE performance at the Mid-Hudson Discovery Museum Pavilion as Arm-of-the-Sea Theater presents Estuary Tales: The Life & Times of the Hudson River!

This performance spectacle fuses live music, dance, and large-scale puppet theater in a deep dive into the checkered history of “America’s River.” Giant sturgeon, eels and river otters ply the stage, alongside steamboats, fishermen, immigrants, and citizen scientists. With whimsy and ingenuity, the show reveals the Hudson’s complex inner life and chronicles the long struggle to clean up the river.

Designed to engage ages 5 to 95, this production takes place in the Museum Pavilion and is presented by a seven-member cast.

This performance is sponsored by the Malcolm Gordon Charitable Fund. Additional sponsors include: New York State Council on the Arts and Arts Mid-Hudson.