Gardiner forms committee to study Modena warehouse plans

By Madison Shann
Posted 2/20/24

On Tuesday, Feb. 6, the Gardiner Town Board voted to establish a committee to study and submit comments regarding the proposed Modena trucking terminal and warehouse in Plattekill.

The committee …

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Gardiner forms committee to study Modena warehouse plans


On Tuesday, Feb. 6, the Gardiner Town Board voted to establish a committee to study and submit comments regarding the proposed Modena trucking terminal and warehouse in Plattekill.

The committee consists of Gardiner residents Jean-Anne McGrane, Joe Benner, Joan Parker, Town Councilpersons Carol Richman and Michael Hartner, as well as the experts currently hired for the project by the Town Board: Attorney David Yaffe, Engineer Andrew Millspaugh and Hydrogeologist Paul Rubin. The committee shall be known as the Modena Trucking Terminal and Warehouse Study Committee. Other individuals may be appointed by resolution to the committee.

“As I recall, it was Jean-Anne’s idea to form the committee but in terms of the meetings that we’ve had, the person that’s taken the strongest leadership role is the attorney, David Yaffe,” said Hartner.

Upon receiving notice of the proposal for the construction of the 451,050 sq. ft. trucking terminal and warehouse near the Gardiner border with Town of Plattekill at 2021 Route 44-55, concerns were raised by the community and board members for the impact such a large building would have in the town. According to the 74-page document submitted by the Town of Gardiner Planning Board to the Town of Plattekill addressing their comments and objections to the Modena project, the construction of the warehouse presents significant potential impact on the residents of the Town of Gardiner in terms of traffic safety and congestion, air pollution, human health, noise levels and destruction of flora and fauna.

“We have asked for a gateway meeting which is something that would be done by the Ulster County Planning Board for projects that have ramifications beyond the scope of a specific municipality. That’s something that can only be requested by the town in which the proposal exists and so we have requested that Plattekill ask for a gateway meeting so we can get all of the players together at one table and talk. They are considering it,” said Hartner.

The committee established by the town board serves to monitor the progress of the Modena construction, examine the negative impacts of the project affecting Gardiner, respond to Plattekill Planning Board with their findings and regularly report to the Gardiner Town Board. The committee was established effective Jan. 10.

“The first thing we wanted to do as a committee was go on record as opposing the approval of the trucking terminal and warehouse,” said Hartner.

“We hope to demonstrate, influence and support the Town of Plattekill to come to the decision where the project has a positive declaration, which means that there would be significant, adverse impacts from the project and so that it would need to go through a full review which would include an environmental act statement,” said Parker, who is also the Chairperson of the Gardiner Environmental Conservation Commission.

According to Parker, the committee is currently on standby as they wait for the Town of Plattekill to take the next step and review all the information submitted by the committee.

“My concern is that people think we have this committee where our real object is to bring down something,” said Parker. “When really we’re just here to support the Town of Plattekill to make the appropriate decision.”