By Mark Reynolds
Plattekill Supervisor Dean Depew recently gave an update on what and when new recreation facilities will be built at the town park. Two Pickleball courts will be constructed by SportPro of Wycliffe, New Jersey at a cost of $181,014 using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of of 2021. The same company will also be building a GaGa Ball Pit at a cost of $30,107 that will also be paid with ARPA funding.
The old playground will be removed and a new one built on the same footprint. The contractor is Pellinelli Recreation of Rensselaer, and the cost is being supported by a grant from Ulster County of $100,000 and matching funds of $105,099 through ARPA for a total of $205,099.
Supervisor DePew said work is expected to commence on or about August 19, after summer camp finishes. There may be some additional landscaping that will be needed that will be done in-house.
The Town Board recently hired two new police officers who were sworn in by Town Clerk Sarah Nelson; Officer Aimee Bassett and Officer Richard Farrow. Supervisor DePew welcomed each of them, saying they were joining one of the best law enforcement departments in the Hudson Valley.