Modena’s Memorial United Methodist Church has some special December events planned
December 16th: GIFT WRAPPING. Have your presents wrapped for you by the Memorial United Church Elves at the Plattekill Library from 9:00AM to 1:00PM.
Donations for this service will benefit the H.E.A.R.T.S program and the Church
Apportionment Fund.
December 17th: MONTHLY WAFFLE CHURCH. 11:00 AM in church hall. Come celebrate the third Sunday of Advent. Enjoy friendship, discussions, songs and waffles and more.
December 24th: CHRISTMAS EVE POTLUCK BRUNCH in church hall 11:00AM. Join us in fellowship, carol singing. crafts and brunch. Bring your favorite casserole or brunch dish to share and celebrate with us.
Church is located at 1928 Rt 44/55 in Modena.