- Brendan Coyne
Superintendent Brian Dunn introduced Jen Evans as Pine Bush new athletic director in a brief meeting of the school board November 28.
Evans, the 10th grade assistant principal in Pine Bush, will become athletic director as of January 1, 2024.
This move is a return to her roots, as she once served as director of physical education and health when it was separate from the athletic director position. It was always in the back of her mind, she said, to return to those roots.
“I am looking forward to getting back into athletics,” said Evans. “I like the excitement of the competition and want to see us continue to succeed and grow as a program.”
Mike Gillespie, who currently serves as director of physical education, health and athletics, is leaving the district after more than seven years on the job. He is moving on to be the principal of Greenwood Lake Middle School, a return to his roots as well. Gillespie was principal of the GWLMS previously.
Evans has an extensive resume as a coach here in Pine Bush as well, leading soccer, volleyball, basketball and softball teams. She is researching the possibility of adding a gymnastics team and has what she called a “to-do” list ready to go.
“We are so excited for Jen to take the excellent work Mike has done to another level of service and excellence in Pine Bush Schools,” Superintendent Brian Dunn said. “You are far and away the best candidate for this position and I look forward to working with you.”
It’s not just the sports program that Evans will be directing. She will also head the physical education and health department for the district and looks forward to working with them to bring some new things into the program.
The district has innovative activities as part of its physical education program, Evans said. She sees these as ways to encourage students to be active and physically fit. “It starts in elementary school,” she said.
“I’m excited about taking physical education to the next level,” she said. “We have a great team here. I’m eager to be working with them.”
The board will meet December 12 at the high school.