The Town of Newburgh Planning Board voted Thursday, December 7 to circulate the site plan for a new Popeyes Chicken to the Orange County Planning Department. The planning board also found the architectural design of the site satisfactory.
Since the last meeting in August, the applicant, attorney Nicholas Ward-Willis of Keane & Beane P.C. stated that the proposed project has gone before the town’s Zoning Board of Appeals for their review.
The purpose of their appearance was to receive several variance approvals but also to receive a special permit to continue the nonconforming use of the site. The site has been recognized as a nonconforming use for over 50 years. The ZBA confirmed with the applicant that their board has the authority to determine the project’s dimensions setbacks because of the nonpermitted usage.
The proposed project seeks the demolition and construction of a new storefront for a Popeyes Chicken Restaurant along Route 52 (South Plank Road). The project is a 2,537 square foot one-story fast food restaurant with a drive through, new indoor seating and 22 proposed parking spaces on-site as well. A seasonal Dairy Queen operates currently on the site.
New lighting for the site, new traffic patterns, drive aisles, new landscaping and plantings will be included for the project. The applicant will need to review the current traffic conditions for the site plan, as the major roadways (Route 52 and Route 300) are actively and heavily traveled in the town. Sidewalks extended along the site were also requested, as there is pedestrian traffic as well.
Technical comments prepared by MHE Engineering note the need for a demolition permit, the building will be required to be sprinkled, the water main location along Route 52 should be determined, an Orange County Planning Referral would be required, a stormwater facilities management agreement would be required and the applicant will still need Department of Transportation permits.