By Alberto Gilman
Members of American Legion Post 1420 and Boy Scout Troop 4027 joined together on the morning of Saturday, May 11 at Cedar Hill Cemetery and Mausoleum to place flags at the veteran grave markers and headstones. In a few days, the United States will observe Memorial Day.
Both of the community groups along with Newburgh Town Supervisor Gil Piaquadio, Councilman Scott Manley and Councilman LoBiondo gathered at the entrance to the cemetery for a brief period before dispersing to various sections in Cedar Hill to place the flags.
Robert Ranghelli of Post 1420 said that it was an honor to be out there on that morning to honor the servicemen who have served and have now passed away. Ranghelli also extended his gratitude for the boy scouts who were able to participate that day along with the legionnaires.
“It’s great to see the boy scouts out here and we really appreciate them being here and actually look forward to them coming here,” said Ranghelli. “I think it’s very important that the younger generation of boy scout and girl scout age show participation and respect for those who have come before them.”
Ranghelli looks to continue placing flags and partaking in this ceremony every year until he cannot do it for whatever the reason. “Memorial Day is not Veterans Day, it’s a day to remember those who have died for us to try to maintain our freedom. That’s what Memorial Day means to me mostly,” said Ranghelli.
Marvin Mickle of Post 1420 said that he and Ranghelli have been a part of the flag placing for the past three to four years. “What these people did for us is incredible when you think about it. I know I gave a couple of years; some of these people gave their lives,” said Mickle.
Mickle invites members of the community to join the legion on Sunday, May 26 to visit the cemeteries and partake in the Memorial Day services that day. “We’ll leave our post on the 26th, seven o’clock in the morning, and we visit all the cemeteries and we provide a service at each cemetery,” said Mickle.
The first Memorial Day service is planned to be held at Cedar Hill Cemetery before the legion and other gathered members would go and visit the other cemeteries in the town.
Other members of the community joined the legion and scouts on Saturday morning to help place flags at the grave sites. Each of the cemeteries in the town would be visited and placed flags during the course of the morning and afternoon. About 1,000 were to be placed during that morning.
The Town of Newburgh will hold its annual Memorial Day service at the town hall at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 26 with the Memorial Day Parade following in the afternoon, beginning at 1 p.m.