Letter to the Editor

233 Years of Failure

By Eddie Gomez, Rock Tavern
Posted 6/28/24

In 1791 the new members of France’s legislature met for the first time. There were many political parties and some independents which were ultimately divided into two ideological groups.

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Letter to the Editor

233 Years of Failure


In 1791 the new members of France’s legislature met for the first time. There were many political parties and some independents which were ultimately divided into two ideological groups.

Seated on the right were those in favor of a strong military, strong monarchy, strong economic production and stable trade relationships.

Seated on the other side, the left, multiple groups formed a coalition that advocated for the violent overthrow of the monarchy, price controls (punishable by death), export bans, prohibition of religion, rent forgiveness, and a constitutional right to public welfare.

Now you know where those labels came from.

Even in the 1790s the Left controlled almost all of the newspapers, they claimed to be a party of the people, yet the vast majority of their party bosses and representatives were well-to-do elites and middle-class professionals (mostly lawyers) who had never done a hard day’s labor in their lives.

They were totally out of touch with their constituents, and they were completely unqualified to fix the problems that their own policies were creating – inflation, economic depression, war, crime, and widespread social unrest.

This proud tradition of incompetence, hypocrisy, and subjugation from the Left has continued for more than two centuries, from the Reign of Terror to the Soviet Union to the extreme poverty of Cuba and Venezuela.

Today’s gifts from the Left include eco-terrorists who deface monuments and hijack public roads, while their leaders fly to climate conferences on their private jets.

They gave us “mostly peaceful” protesters. Appalling crime rates coupled with prosecutors who refuse to put criminals in jail. Gender-affirming care for children. Drag Queen Story Hour.

They gave us the worst lockdowns of the pandemic... and leaders who refused to follow their own decrees. While the peasants were told to cower in fear in their homes, Nancy Pelosi and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot went to the salon. Gavin Newsom dined with his wealthy donors.

And anyone who disagreed was erased off the Internet... for the Left also gave us censorship and cancel culture.

They gave us hoax after hoax, from the manufactured Russia collusion lie to the Wuhan wet market, nonsense that even the NY Times has now called “BS”. They gave us a weaponized Justice system riddled with double standards and conflicts of interest.

They gave us 40-year high inflation. Skyrocketing food and energy prices. Modern Monetary Theory, which suggests that debts and deficits don’t matter.

They gave us the worst military humiliation in at least a generation with the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan. They gave us an epic border crisis in which many millions of migrants enjoy taxpayer-funded benefits.

And rather than acknowledge their own failures, the Left gave us hilarious excuses for the problems they created, blaming virtually everything on either “greed” or “climate change” or “racism” or Trump.

It’s not just the US – it’s Canada, Australia, Europe... much of the world is infected by the Left. Europeans took to the polls over the weekend and rejected the ruling class of incompetent fools who have been wrecking the continent.

With such a horrific track record that literally goes back more than two centuries, it’s extraordinary that human intellect hasn’t evolved sufficiently to become immune to the Left and all of its false promises.

And yet, even after three straight years here in the U.S. of chaos, destruction, inflation, and national humiliation, there continues to be a serious possibility that the Left will prevail once again in the Land of the Free this November, potentially sweeping both elected branches of government.

We already know what to expect: more deficits, more debt, more inflation, more anti-capitalist policies, more military weakness, more border crisis. War would become far more likely. The dollar will almost certainly lose its reserve status.

It’s shocking how many powerful interests are deliberately trying to make this happen.

These people don’t solve problems; they create them... and make them worse. And America cannot afford much worse.