Gardiner to form Housing Smart Action Committee

Posted 6/5/24

Are you concerned about housing in Gardiner? Do you have strong feelings about short-term rentals, accessory dwelling units, senior and workforce housing? If you answered yes to any of these …

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Gardiner to form Housing Smart Action Committee


Are you concerned about housing in Gardiner? Do you have strong feelings about short-term rentals, accessory dwelling units, senior and workforce housing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please come at 7 pm on Monday, June 17 at the Gardiner Town Hall.

Gardiner will be forming a Housing Smart Action Committee to help achieve the goals of the Ulster County Housing Smart Communities Initiative. The County will provide certain resources as well as advising the town on available housing related grants.

For further information, please contact Supervisor Marybeth Majestic 845-255-9675 ext 101 or