Town of New Windsor NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of New …

Town of New Windsor


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of New Windsor, Orange County, New York will hold Public Hearings regarding the proposed increase and improvement of facilities of Sewer District Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3 Ext. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 24 on August 7, 2024 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time). The increase and improvement of facilities will include the expansion of and the construction of SPDES compliance improvements at the Caesar's Lane Waste Water Treatment Plant, including the construction and/or installation of: a flow splitting chamber; influent bar screen; circular vortex grit chamber; grit classifier; an additional primary settling tank; micro-screens; membrane bio-reactor process units; and associated equipment building; sludge handling and digestion facilities; post aeration; relocated outfall structure; the construction of a control building and the renovation of the existing control building for solids dewatering building, all as further described in the map, plan and report prepared by MHE Engineering, engineers duly licensed by the State of New York, dated October 28, 2020, as revised June 21, 2024; the Town Board had originally determined pursuant to prior proceedings that the cost of said increase and improvement of facilities was estimated to be $59,140,800; however, the maximum cost of the project is now estimated to be $109,305,000, as described in the revised report prepared by the Engineer, with $3,000,000 of said cost having been previously financed by the issuance of bonds of the Town pursuant to a prior authorization. The cost thereof per sewer district, exclusive of the $3,000,000 heretofore authorized and financed, has been estimated to be as follows:

Sewer District No. 1: $ 1,950,600 Sewer District No. 2: $ 646,800

Sewer District No. 3: $ 441,100 Sewer District No. 3, Ext. 1: $ 1,064,300

Sewer District No. 4: $ 961,500 Sewer District No. 5: $ 3,786,200

Sewer District No. 6: $ 190,700 Sewer District No. 7: $ 9,286,600

Sewer District No. 8: $ 1,569,700 Sewer District No. 9: $24,200,000

Sewer District No. 10: $ 1,509,000 Sewer District No. 11: $ 6,511,600

Sewer District No. 12: $ 743,700 Sewer District No. 13: $ 787,300

Sewer District No. 14: $ 4,701,500 Sewer District No. 15: $ 1,671,000

Sewer District No. 16: $ 2,631,500 Sewer District No. 17: $ 12,212,700

Sewer District No. 18: $ 1,560,100 Sewer District No. 19: $ 8,260,900

Sewer District No. 20: $ 8,985,500 Sewer District No. 22: $ 6,791,100

Sewer District No. 23: $ 3,343,100 Sewer District No. 24: $ 2,498,500

At said public hearings, the Town Board will hear all persons interested in said subject matter thereof.

Dated: July 3, 2024

New Windsor, New York


Patricia A. Clarino, Town Clerk

Town of New Windsor #115747

Posted 7/24/2024