Letter to the Editor

Biden, Trump and None of the Above…

By  Drew Kartiganer, Newburgh
Posted 7/10/24

A singular point can be made with absolute surety on the 2024 Presidential election; If there were three credible candidates on the ballot, Biden, Trump and “None of the Above”, …

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Letter to the Editor

Biden, Trump and None of the Above…


A singular point can be made with absolute surety on the 2024 Presidential election; If there were three credible candidates on the ballot, Biden, Trump and “None of the Above”, “None of the above” would win in a landslide.

For the vast majority of Americans the choice between a MAGA political dictatorship of Trump and the extreme left wing “WOKE” politics of an aging Biden, any credible alternate candidate would win the election with an overwhelming majority.  Sadly, the election on November 5th 2024 does not have that third choice; it is a decision between two extreme and flawed candidates, Biden & Trump. The simple reality of this choice is they both SUCK.

Personally, I will vote for the candidate that gives us the best chance for our Democracy in the USA to survive. On that basis, my choice is the aging old man; Biden.  

By all accounts Trump and his minions have already planned the destruction of the current Washington governmental administration under the cover of “draining the swamp.”  The problem is Trump is a “swamp monster” who will replace what is there with his own “swamp creatures.” Departments of Justice, Environment (EPA),  Military leadership, Law Enforcement (FBI & AG); Foreign Policy (Embassies & CIA) and more will all be gutted of their credible and experienced leadership to be replaced with political hacks if Trump wins.  It is my opinion those “political hacks” will destroy the basis and very foundation of our freedom that we live under today.

If Biden wins, he and his advisors will be able to continue their destructive  “WOKE” and ” DEI” (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)  policies that are dividing and draining our society of competent leadership and the reasonable balance in our basic domestic and foreign policy that still exists.   

The singular difference between Biden and Trump is that in 4 years we can vote Biden and his followers out; if Trump wins in 4 years the election in 2028 will not matter.  With a Trump win the next “election” will be more like the crowning of a dictator as in China, Russia or Iran than those of the previous 248 years when “we, the people,” elect & inaugurated the President of our democracy in the USA.   

People in our nation should understand; if Democracy in the USA fails, as it will with Trump, then every Democracy in the world will fail with it.  Less than 25% of the world’s people live in Democracies; the remainder live under dictators with total authority over their nation’s actions and citizens’ lives.  Without the power, substance and support of the USA, every democracy in the world will be at risk of falling to extremist dictatorships like those of Iran, Russia, China or North Korea.  Voters in the Presidential election of 2024 should understand the most important thing on the ballot is freedom and democracy in our nation.  For me, personally, everything else comes second.  

It is my hope, and prayer, that our Democracy survives.  On that basis I will vote for Biden.  I will not vote for Biden because I believe in him as our President, but because he is the lesser of the two flawed candidates’ we have left.   It is worth noting I write this on July 4th, 2024, Our Independence day.   On this day I commit to vote to defend our democracy that has existed for 248 years  in the hopes that “we, the people,” will be able to elect a new President in 2028 and the choice will be better than “none of the above.”