By Mark Reynolds
In May the Town of Marlborough decided to rebid the TOMVAC rehabilitation project because of the initial steep prices they received. The Town Board opened the new bids in late June and had Phil Bell, of Bell Engineering, vet the companies and their bids during July to make sure their pricing was appropriate and the companies were legitimate.
On Monday evening, the Town Board approved a number of resolutions for the bulk of the rehabilitation work that will transform the building into a true community center.
The board unanimously approved WND Construction LLC as the General Contractor of the project for $522,520. In addition, the company will also install a cupola at the roof ridge for $31,250; however, the resolution for this passed by a vote of 3-2, with Councilpersons Ed Molinelli and Sherida Sessa voting no.
WND Construction was also awarded a contract to replace the shingle roof with a metal roof just at the front porch for $18,790. Two Councilpersons dissented, Sherida Sessa and Manny Cauchi.
The Town Board unanimously approved WND Construction to do the plumbing work at TOMVAC for $148,250.
The Town Board accepted the bid from Upstate Electrical LLC for $169,511. Councilman Dave Zambito was the single no vote on this resolution.
DJ Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. will handle this portion of the project for $217,800. The board approved this contract unanimously.
The amount in the approved resolutions comes to $1,108,121. On top of this is Phil Bell’s fee of $192,000, which brings the total to $1,300,121. The board already has $800,000 in grants and member items for the project. The board plans to allocate $100,000 from the Building Reserve Fund, and the final amount will come from the General Fund Balance. The town is hoping to complete the project by February 2023, barring any significant supply chain delays.
Supervisor Scott Corcoran congratulated his fellow board members and offered his thanks to engineer Phil Bell, the Highway and Water Departments, “for all the work they did in getting TOMVAC to where we are at... and to be able to move forward on this. I think it’s a long time coming to this community that this building be restored and in the correct way and it will be something that we all will be proud of.”